

The Idea

This blog is a journal of sorts that I am keeping as a way to encourage myself to try new things and reflect on them. It will also be a reflection on our own mortality the idea that death can greet us around any corner. The name reflects the fact that we should value each day because we are not promised to have a tomorrow. I have also created a YouTube channel as a way to document these new experiences and bring them to you in a different way. The blog will function as an extension of the YouTube channel and most videos will be released along with a blog post. I hope to make an effort to try something new each day along with my wife and write about those experiences here as well.

The Inspiration

I have been toying with the idea of creating a YouTube channel for almost 10 years. What made me finally decide to take the leap and actually do it was watching Unus Annus. For those who may be unfamiliar, Unus Annus was a project created by YouTubers Markiplier and CrankGameplays. The channel was created with the knowledge that the channel would be deleted in one year. Over this year, Mark and Ethan released a video every day and many of the videos were them just trying something new. This really struck a chord with me and motivated me to start doing the things that I always say I want to do. When I am older, I don’t want to look back on life and be disappointed by having missed out on all the things that I didn't do. I want to look back and be satisfied that I tried to do everything I wanted to the best of my ability. I don’t want to die feeling like I wasted my life.

The Goal

Ultimately, this is a personal project to encourage me to pursue what I want to do. However, I hope that it can also inspire others like Unus Annus did for me. I hope this year and future years bring new experiences each and every day. If you like this content and want to see more there is a link at the bottom of this page that will take you to the different ways you can contribute to the project.

How you can help.

I plan on putting any money I make from this project back into the project. This will take the form of buying new recording equipment, funding things I wouldn’t have been able to do without the community, and if there is interest organizing community events when it is safe to do so. If there is enough interest and support, I would like to make this my full time job and increase the amount of content I am able to produce.

Make every day count.