A Man and His Life and, Sometimes, His Wife
Life In Miniature
I am finally back after a month and it has been one hell of a month. The fence was one hell of an undertaking and it is finally almost finished. It seems like it has been one busy week after another but I am back. For anyone who also follows the podcast we will be back at it with a new episode this week. I have a tendency to get myself in over my head, but I have been slowly digging myself out of the hole and I think I am finally almost back on track. There is another big project in the works that I hope to have ready by next week. I will post more details when the time comes so stay tuned for that!
En Garde
I apologize for the late post but this has been a crazy week. It is probably going to be a shorter post this week; I haven’t really had much time to sit down and relax, let alone record a podcast or write a blog post. I hope to be able to make some time this week to write another post on the usual day but that might be overly ambitious.