A Man and His Life and, Sometimes, His Wife

Adventure Jonathan Turner Adventure Jonathan Turner

Into the Woods

There is something cathartic for me about walking into the woods and just experiencing nature. For a few hours, it is just you and nature and nothing else matters; you can just experience the beauty around you without having to worry about deadlines and obligations. When you get to do it with friends you share the experience with each other.

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Discussion Jonathan Turner Discussion Jonathan Turner

Childhood’s End

Think of the thing you liked doing most as a child. Do you still do that anymore? Why don’t you do it anymore? One of the things I always really enjoyed doing as a kid was building and tinkering with things. I was always taking things apart and I loved to build with legos and put Bionicles together. As I got older, there was a social pressure to stop doing these things. They are filed under the banner of "kids' hobbies" and if you keep doing them as an adult you are looked at in a negative light.

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Discussion Jonathan Turner Discussion Jonathan Turner

Something Else

It is really easy to take what we have in our lives for granted, even the things that are most important to us. It is so easy to compare ourselves to others, especially in the age of social media; the experiences others are having, the things they have, and where they are in life all make it hard to take a step back, look at your life, and see how much you really have.

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Cooking Jonathan Turner Cooking Jonathan Turner

Back in the Kitchen

I have always enjoyed cooking; breakfast was always my favorite meal to cook and as a kid I would always volunteer to cook breakfast for my parents. Part of the fun of cooking for me is trying out new foods and recipes. This post will be the first in a series of shorter posts about a new recipe I tried that week. The posts will be in addition to Sunday’s post and I hope to get one up every week.

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