A Man and His Life and, Sometimes, His Wife

Discussion, Cooking Jonathan Turner Discussion, Cooking Jonathan Turner

Culinary Adventure

Animals kept for food production purposes are a large source of CO2 emission that contribute to climate change, especially due to the large scale distribution and packaging that is involved. I have been trying to reduce my consumption of animal based products to help reduce my carbon footprint as well as trying to source more food products locally. This also has the added benefit of helping reduce the demand for factory farming and will hopefully help lead to change in the farming industry in regards to animal welfare and help smaller family run farms. 

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Discussion Jonathan Turner Discussion Jonathan Turner

An Ounce of Kindness

Now that we are getting back out and interacting with other humans more, I think it is a good time to reflect on how we treat each other. There is nothing really dictating how we have to treat each other but it takes almost no effort to just be nice to people. At the very least, people shouldn’t be making the extra effort to be rude to people. 

“An ounce of kindness always goes a lot further than an ounce of bitterness. So sprinkle it every time you can. You always can!”

-Timothy Pina

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Discussion Jonathan Turner Discussion Jonathan Turner

Degrees of Separation

It's about the right time of year that people are heading off to college for the first time. They are entering a new environment and are getting ready for a new chapter in their life. It has me thinking a lot about the trainwreck that was my college career. I hope that I can help some people who are going into this right now by learning from my mistakes.

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