A Man and His Life and, Sometimes, His Wife

Discussion Jonathan Turner Discussion Jonathan Turner

An Ounce of Kindness

Now that we are getting back out and interacting with other humans more, I think it is a good time to reflect on how we treat each other. There is nothing really dictating how we have to treat each other but it takes almost no effort to just be nice to people. At the very least, people shouldn’t be making the extra effort to be rude to people. 

“An ounce of kindness always goes a lot further than an ounce of bitterness. So sprinkle it every time you can. You always can!”

-Timothy Pina

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Discussion Jonathan Turner Discussion Jonathan Turner

A Year of US

As I have been saying from the start, my wife is my biggest supporter in everything I do. She has been encouraging me this whole time and has been helping me every step along the way. This week I wanted to talk about one of the things she suggested when I first brought up the idea of making this year something more. She suggested a couple’s journal called A Year of Us: One Question a Day to Spark Fun and Meaningful Discussion, a once a day journal you do with your partner for a year.

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Discussion Jonathan Turner Discussion Jonathan Turner

Spinning My Wheels

Have you ever started something with every intention of finishing it? You thought for sure that this would be the time you were able to do it. You thought that you were putting everything you had into it and you reach a point and look back and realize you have gotten nowhere. That is kind of what this last year has been for me.

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New Things Jonathan Turner New Things Jonathan Turner


Think back to when you were a kid. Was there something that was amazing to you? Something that truly filled you with wonder? Hold on to that feeling; is there anything that still makes you feel that way? I think as adults we tend to lose that feeling and I really think that is a shame.

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