A Man and His Life and, Sometimes, His Wife
We Have Wares if You Have Coin
The day has finally arrived for the big announcement! Our Etsy and Ebay stores are finally open! The name of the store is Dusty Hollow Creations and we can be found at the following links: Ebay Etsy. The Ebay store is currently not showing the signs for some reason but they should be visible on the Etsy store. I would love to hear your feedback on the store setup and the signs we have up so far! We only have a few of the things Laura’s mom has made so far but they are pretty awesome! We will be adding more things that she has made and possibly some things that Laura will be making. I also might be listing some of the minis that I paint on there if I feel they are good enough. I plan on making some more crafts to sell in the store but that will have to wait until I finish some of the bigger projects around the house.
Life In Miniature
I am finally back after a month and it has been one hell of a month. The fence was one hell of an undertaking and it is finally almost finished. It seems like it has been one busy week after another but I am back. For anyone who also follows the podcast we will be back at it with a new episode this week. I have a tendency to get myself in over my head, but I have been slowly digging myself out of the hole and I think I am finally almost back on track. There is another big project in the works that I hope to have ready by next week. I will post more details when the time comes so stay tuned for that!
En Garde
I apologize for the late post but this has been a crazy week. It is probably going to be a shorter post this week; I haven’t really had much time to sit down and relax, let alone record a podcast or write a blog post. I hope to be able to make some time this week to write another post on the usual day but that might be overly ambitious.
Maine Attraction
We finally got to go on our first vacation since the start of Covid and we decided to visit my parents up in Maine. It is a pretty long drive for us, so we decided to make a long weekend of it. We made sure we had all the essentials packed (spoiler alert: we did not) and headed up.